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Topics & Learning Formats

Tailored training to conquer your unique sales challenges

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Workshops & Seminars

We offer a unique combination of all the foundational training your team needs to grow your business: sales, marketing, and business & time management. Our integrated approach teaches your team how all of these components must work together.

Here’s our comprehensive selection of ready-to-go themes. Plus, we customize our delivery to your company and industry, incorporating industry-specific examples and applications.

We can present these topics as engaging lunch and learns, immersive group training programs, or dynamic keynote sessions at your next conference. Whatever the event or training format, we’re here to ensure your team gets the most impactful learning experience

  • Activating Your Network: Networking for Introverts & Extroverts
  • Building Champions: Fuelling Success Through Connections
  • Mastering Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide to Branding & Advertising
  • Proper Goal-Setting for Professionals: Mapping Your Path to Success
  • Sales for the Rest of Us: Finding Your Authentic Approach to Business Growth
  • Time Management: Unlocking Success through Elimination, Automation, & Delegation

Contact us today to book your next themed course or workshop.

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Custom-built Offerings

Self-directed Online Training

Custom-built training programs help you fulfill specific learning outcomes and teaching formats:

  • Video-based training: We help you achieve the desired learning outcomes for your organization.
  • Self-paced learning: Participants work at their own speed from video modules and apply their learning using our Action Plan Workbooks.

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Boutique Group Coaching Programs

We work with you to build your own start-to-finish training program offering:

  • Tailored content: We craft a program unique to your goals, covering a curated curriculum of topics in 6 weeks to 1 year.
  • Master class & practice: Learn through engaging videos and apply your learning directly to your business using our workbooks.
  • Personalized feedback: Get focused attention in small group coaching and find an accountability buddy in your cohort.

Read a Case Study

* Note: Programs can be co-branded or white-labeled.

Tailored, actionable training

Transform your team into a business development powerhouse.

Tailor-built training

Customized learning that’s tailored for your organization. It’s not just training – it’s a personalized growth strategy for your team to propel them toward success.

Strategic curriculum

You’ll resolve pain points and address unique challenges with our strategic curriculum that helps you seamlessly align your team’s growth with your business goals.

Simplified learning choices

Make training decisions a breeze with a straightforward process. Select from a menu, choose outcomes, and integrate effortlessly. Everything you need, without the fuss.

Practical and accountable training

You don’t need theoretical training. You want to ignite immediate action that fosters accountability and helps you enable your team to drive results every day.

Immediately actionable

Effective training isn’t about hypotheticals; it’s about immediately actionable steps that translate into real results. Because growth starts today, not tomorrow.

Flexible learning formats

One size doesn’t fit all. Choose from diverse learning formats like cohort calls, self-paced videos, or live lectures. Give your team flexibility to suit their learning styles and schedules.

Measurable business impact

Uncertain returns don’t serve your business. Our training delivers tangible and impressive results, ensuring you can confidently justify your investment in business development.

Streamlined onboarding process

You provide the participants, and we’ll do the rest. We handle everything, including: enrollment, managing communication, scheduling, onboarding, access, and more.

1 on 1 Coaching for Team Leaders

Need support for yourself or your team leaders?

Boost offers exclusive private coaching for sales managers, field coaches, and organizational leaders. We help you ensure your team stays committed to the sales and marketing strategies they learn during our training sessions.

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