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It’s Not the Price...It’s You

Pssst...I want to tell you a big secret: When a prospect tells you no, it’s almost NEVER about the price.

“I don’t have the budget right now.”

“It’s more than we’re willing to spend.”

“I checked with my partner and he/she said it’s too expensive.”

Let’s get down to the REAL reason…

It’s very common for a prospect to state price as the reason they are not buying.  But guess what? That’s probably not the REAL reason. 

If your prospects see great VALUE in the solution you’re offering, more often than not they’ll find a way to pay you for it.

If you’ve qualified your target markets to make sure they have the means for what you do but they’re still saying no, then there’s something else going on.

The real problem could be one of a few things:

  1. You’ve failed to articulate the VALUE of your solution to your prospects.
  2. You haven’t earned their trust that you’ll support and solve their problem.
  3. You haven’t identified and resolved all of their worries or objections.

When someone says no, it’s usually because they are not fully confident in you, your company, or your solution. But they’ll never tell you that. It’s much easier for them to say it’s about the price. 

If you’re getting lots of people saying no, it’s time to look closer at your sales process to make sure you’re bringing your prospect along with you.

So, now that you know this BIG business secret, what are your next steps?

Reach out - I would love to help.

My Rethink Marketing program would be a great place to start. You will unveil even more business secrets, gain skills to build prospect confidence in you, and get tools to articulate your value. 

This program works - and that’s no secret!


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