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Are you willing to do the hard things?

How badly do you want to succeed? 


It’s one thing to say you want success but it's another thing to actually make the hard choices, do the difficult things, and take the steps...

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The 5 W's of ReConnection: #5 - WHEN

I'm a huge fan of weekly schedules. It is crucial to schedule in the most important meetings and tasks in your business to ensure the right things are getting done. But how do we actually...

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The 5 W's of ReConnection: #4 - WHERE

Where are you going to find yourself spending time in the upcoming year? One of the biggest benefits of targeting niche markets is that you can focus your time and energy on where they hang out....

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The 5 W's of ReConnection: #3 - WHAT


I’m guessing if you’re reading this you already have a business and know (sort of!) what it is that you are selling and offering to the market. 


Even though you...

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Your Brand vs Coca Cola

Coca-Cola’s brand vision is said to be the universal icon for happiness. The Share-a-Coke campaign inspired a feeling of camaraderie by encouraging people to share a Coke with a friend...

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How to Party like a Pro!


Opening a business is like preparing for a party. (though if you’re a business owner you will argue that this feels nothing like a party). But how do you party like a Pro?!

You start...

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You're Boring Yourself Out of Business

Is the buffet table more interesting than you?

Let me set the scene…

You’re at a party, someone approaches to introduce themself, and you ask, “What do you...

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How to STOP Writing Proposals That Don't Sell

Sales. It can be a heartbreaker. (Queue sad song.)

Sales can be frustrating, am I right? You pitch and pitch and pitch and often come out empty handed. But why?

You’re a valuable...

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This Old School Marketing Tactic Will ALWAYS Work

Are you feeling caught up and overwhelmed with all that is constantly changing in marketing? 

Well then let’s kick it ‘Old School’ and use the marketing technique that will...

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Planning Ahead for Success When Youā€™re Already Overwhelmed

Whenever we are heading into a fresh start in our business, whether it be a new calendar year, fiscal year, or season, it can feel overwhelming when you don’t know where to...

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